And that knowing the time now is the time to wake out of sleep; for now is our Salvation nearer than when we believed” Romans 13:11


Salvation Mission is a nondenominational Christian Mission, which is headquartered in Ghana, West Africa. It’s a Mission with the Great commission in it’s integrity as JESUS Released, It to us. Whose desire is to reconcile the alienated to God through Christ Jesus.

 Our Aims and Objectives   SALVATION MISSION                                JESUS IS LORD

Reaching the un-reach with God’s word. Nature the total family in the Christian faith. Help the whole village of believers to grow in knowing, understanding and appreciating their cultural, biblical and Christian heritage. Also help group of villagers to grow in their relationships with God and with their neighbors. Experience the intimacy in Christ, as individual, group to take time listen to God.

Evangelism and Leadership development, training, relief and community development project is at the heart of this mission. Some which include:




Beneficiaries of our missionary duties are at the moment are some rural communities in the Volta region. Most of our activities are been supported by Wonderful Salvation Healing Ministry located in the city of Accra the capital of Ghana. In the cause of our mission, some specific individuals needs help. Your support is highly welcome, in order to facilitate our mission on daily bases.

For who so ever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a Preacher? And how shall they Preach, expect they be sent?” Romans 10:13.







Note From The Leader

Christians have become so busy that we have failed to extend our churches' outreach past the walls of our churches and rural areas in every country. Only a few hundred feet from any church  are lost, homeless, and hurting people. Christians are the representatives of Jesus Christ on this earth. The Lord wants to love those in this world so much and He wants His love to flow through you and extend to all the people of this world. All of us need to awaken and allow the Lord to begin a work in our nation and other countries. We limit So many times the Lord’s witness.

Let's join with the prayers for this world with our actions and share the gospel of Jesus Christ in our streets, villages, and the un-reach one.
 Mission office:
Rev.Emmanuel Nkrumah
Mission leader:
Box 1978, Kaneshie, Accra-Ghana.
West Africa
Fax: +233-21-312656

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